Friday, January 23, 2009


"What kind of late night services does your hotel offer?"

"Uh, I guess that depends. What are you looking for?"

"Do you have any other services aside from food and liqour?"

"I'm sorry, sir. Can you be more specific?"

"That's ok. Nevermind."

Don't want to know.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


"Hey. Where's your bar?"

"Sorry sir, it's closed for the evening, but you can try the Irish pub across the street."

"Are there any gay dudes there?"

(oh brother) "Wouldn't know, sir. Could be."

"There were some at the last bar we were at. Don't get me wrong, they weren't too bad, but they were hitting on my wife."

"Well, I guess they sometimes do... wait, what?"

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Street Friends

It's been getting slower and slower lately. Fewer travelers are coming around due to the season and the economy. Since we are having less guests and therefor giving me less shifts, I may not have as many amusing stories for awhile.

But don't worry. The snow and cold brings in the weirdoes to visit me at night.

What crazy people like to come in and talk to me about:
  • the Masons
  • Castro
  • Chemicals that cause snow to turn yellow
  • Nature turning on us
  • Where the Swiss Hotel is
  • the crazy people at Citgo that try to kill people with their eyes
  • their mother

Actually, that was only from one woman tonight.

And she came back to pick up the Windex she accidentally left here from her first visit.